We Care
VueTV® Video Brochures and Video Boxes are fully re-usable and recyclable.
Our products are guaranteed for several years, and content can be updated, changed and additional videos added to the products in just a few user-friendly steps.
Vue Media Ltd are fully committed to recycling and reducing landfill waste during our day-to-day operations whenever practical and possible. Our approach to recycling is based on principles of economic and environmental sustainability.
We aim to help our clients avoid sending any VueTV® products to landfill and offer a free recycling service on any unwanted VueTV® Video Brochures or Video Boxes.
Our pro-active approach includes, but is not limited to: –
- Cultivate a work ethic which promotes waste minimisation and recycling.
- Encourage the purchase of materials which are suitable for recycling.
- Favour suppliers with sound environmental principles and positive recycling and waste management practices.
- Develop a waste management strategy which accommodates recycling procedures and initiatives.
- Continue to develop and improve the range and scope of recycling schemes we offer.

Recycling of WEEE is a specialist part of the waste and recycling industry. It is a rapidly growing sub-sector due largely to the implementation of the original WEEE Directive in the UK by the WEEE Regulations 2006, With that came the associated requirements for the recovery, reuse, recycling and treatment of WEEE. The Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013 (“the Regulations“) became law in the UK on the 1st of January 2014 and replaced the 2006 Regulations. The new Regulations transpose the main provisions of Directive 2012/19/EU on WEEE which recasts the previous Directive 2002/96/EC. These regulations also provide for a wider range of products to be covered by the Directive with effect from 1st January 2019.
If you are recycling a product that still holds content, please ensure that you copy the file(s) to your computer or a suitable storage device prior to sending it back to us. We may not be able to retrieve the files after receipt.
Please send any unwanted VueTV® Video Brochures or Video Boxes to the following address and we will recycle them for you.
VueTV® Returns
PO Box 8097
Please Note – Any item believed to have a damaged or defected battery, must be disposed of locally via small electrical waste provider(s) and not returned via post or a parcel network.